We are hiring a RMT & Kinesiologist
Cosmetic Acupuncture, also referred to as facial acupuncture, is acupuncture that focuses specifically on an aesthetic condition of the patient, usually concerning the face. Like traditional Acupuncture, it involves strategically inserting ultra-thin, sterilized needles into different areas of the skin with the aim of stimulating blood flow and balancing the body’s Qi (which, when translated, means “vital energy” in Traditional Chinese Medicine).
When people think about cosmetic procedures, fillers or Botox usually come to mind first. You may be concerned about the unwanted side effects that come with Botox injections. Cosmetic acupuncture is an excellent alternative treatment to Botox and has few side effects aside from occasional bruising.
During your acupuncture treatment, your acupuncturist will assess your overall health and discuss your main concerns before proceeding. Followup sessions will be required at a frequency designated by your Acupuncturist.