We are hiring a female RMT & Physiotherapist 

Eliminate your pain and improve your quality of life.

Physiotherapy Services
in Cloverdale, Surrey, BC

Various physiotherapy treatment techniques can help you recover from injury or prevent injuries from occurring in the future. Our team of physiotherapists in Cloverdale specialize in assessment and treatment of injuries involving the bone, joints, muscles, ligaments and nerves.

Our Physiotherapists in Cloverdale Specialize in Performing Physiotherapy Treatments

Either through trauma, overuse, or the physical stress on our body from our day to day activities, the soft tissue and joints of our body can become inflamed, tight, and painful. If left untreated, these symptoms can become chronic, creating more discomfort not only physically but mentally. Based on your bodies needs, our physiotherapists in Cloverdale will safely utilize the appropriate physiotherapy techniques to repair and stimulate soft tissues, improve your range of motion and reduce your pain.

Not sure if you need physiotherapy or message therapy sessions, check out this article: Who Should You Go For? Physiotherapy vs. Massage Therapy

Our Physiotherapists in Cloverdale Have What It Takes

Clover Hills Rehabilitation’s physiotherapists are experts in the use of different physiotherapy techniques for your muscle and joint pain. Increased soft tissue tension and joint dysfunction through trauma or overuse can lead to severe pain limiting our day to day performance whether it be at work, home or in sport.

Our physiotherapists will utilize the right physiotherapy techniques for your treatment to stimulate and repair soft tissue, hence improving your mobility, and reduce your pain.

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Physiotherapy Techniques

Manual Therapy

Clover Hills Rehabilitation’s Physical Therapists are experts in the use of manual therapy techniques to improve function and reduce inflammation and pain. Increased soft tissue tension and joint dysfunction through trauma or overuse can lead to severe pain limiting our day to day performance whether it be at work, home or in sport. Our Physiotherapists will utilize manual therapy techniques to improve the dysfunction in your muscles and joints, and improve your performance overall.
Learn About Manual Therapy

Exercise Prescription

Clover Hills Rehabilitation’s Physical Therapists are experts in the prescription of exercise. Whether it is related to your pain and injury, or you are wanting guidance in appropriately utilizing exercise techniques, our Physiotherapists will guide you accordingly. Muscle weakness, tightness and pain, must all be treated differently when it comes to exercise. Our Physiotherapists will utilize the appropriate exercise techniques to help your achieve your physical goals and improve your quality of life.
Learn About Exercise Prescription

Electrotherapy (TENS & IFC)

Clover Hills Rehabilitation’s Physical Therapists are experts in the use of electrotherapy devices for the use of your muscle and joint pain. Increased soft tissue tension and joint dysfunction through trauma or overuse can lead to severe pain limiting our day to day performance whether it be at work, home or in sport. Our Physiotherapists will utilize electrotherapy (such as a TENS machine, or IFC) as an adjunct to your treatment to stimulate and repair soft tissue, improve your mobility, and reduce your pain.
Learn About Electrotherapy (TENS & IFC)


Clover Hills Rehabilitation’s Physiotherapists are experts in the use of therapeutic ultrasound devices for promoting healing with soft tissue injuries. Tight, strained and inflamed soft tissue in the body through trauma or overuse can lead to severe pain and the development of scar tissue. This limits our day to day performance whether it be at work, home or in sport. Our Physiotherapists will utilize therapeutic ultrasound devices as an adjunct to their treatments to stimulate and promote soft tissue healing.
Learn About Ultrasound

Sport Therapy

Clover Hills Rehabilitation’s Physiotherapists are experts in the identification of poor movement patterns related to your sport. Either through trauma or overuse, the muscles and joints of the body can become inflamed, tight and painful limiting you from performing your best in your specific sport. Our Physiotherapists will identify poor movement patters, create balance in your muscles, and restore biomechanics, allowing you to perform your best in your specific sport.
Learn About Sport Therapy

Temoporomandibular Joint Dysfunction (TMJD)

Clover Hills Rehabilitation’s Physiotherapists are experts in the management of Temporomandibular Joint Dysfunction (TMJD). Either through trauma, overuse, or the physical stresses of our day to day lives, the muscles and TMJ itself of the body can become inflamed, tight and painful. This can lead to the development of local jaw pain, headaches, and difficulties in partaking in activities in our day to day lives. Our Physiotherapists will assess and treat your temporomandibular joint dysfunction through various techniques, allowing you partake in your day to day activities pain free.
Learn About Temoporomandibular Joint Dysfunction (TMJD)

Low Level Laser Therapy (LLLT)

Clover Hills Rehabilitation’s Physiotherapists are skilled in the use of Low Level Laser Therapy for the treatment of inflammation and pain in soft tissues and joints. Inflamed soft tissue joints in the body through trauma or overuse can lead to severe pain. This can have a dramatic effect on our quality of life. Our Physiotherapists will utilize Low Level Laser Therapy as an adjunct to treatment to stimulate and promote healing in the soft tissues and joints.
Learn About Low Level Laser Therapy (LLLT)

Intramuscular Stimulation (IMS) / Dry Needling

Clover Hills Rehabilitation’s Physiotherapists are skilled in the use of Intramuscular Stimulation (IMS) for the treatment of chronic muscular and neuropathic pain. At times our pain does not respond to conventional treatments due to the involvement of dysfunctional nerves. This can have a dramatic effect on our quality of life. Our Physiotherapists will utilize Intramuscular Stimulation (IMS) as an adjunct in your treatment to reduce your chronic pain and improve your quality of life. Dry needling/ IMS works best for musculoskeletal issues, such as back pain, headaches, and sciatica.
Learn About Intramuscular Stimulation (IMS) / Dry Needling
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Techniques to improve life quality
Treatments over the
course of 5 years.
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What People Have to Say

Check out what people say about us
Rob Gill Icon
Rob Gill
Sunny and the staff are amazing people and very helpful
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Dianna Icon
Sunny is great. Very knowledgeable and helpful!
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Daniel Law Icon
Daniel Law
Amazing place with everything I need at one location and people that make me look forward to physio.
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Simrin Rattanpal Icon
Simrin Rattanpal
Sunny and the rest of the staff are nothing short of fantastic. Hands down best facility I have ever visited!!!
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Andrea Gresham Icon
Andrea Gresham
Great physio therapists
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Reagan Johnson Icon
Reagan Johnson
I have chiropractor, massage and ims and counseling...they are all great people.
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Courtney Dawson Icon
Courtney Dawson
I'm grateful for the physio treatment I'm receiving. It's the only thing that's helping me recover from my car accident. I'll recommend this place to anyone !
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Juan Cruz Icon
Juan Cruz
Reception staff is very friendly and very professional. Sunny (physiotherapist) very skilled and extremely knowledgeable. Overall great facility!
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Our Professional
Team at Clover Hills

We are a multidisciplinary team who collaborate effectively to provide you with the most suitable care.

Sundeep ‘Sunny’ Gill


Priscilla Augustine

Physiotherapist / Vestibular Rehabilitation Therapist

Emily Ferguson


Book an Appointment

Why wait to improve your quality of life, book an appointment today
and allow us to alleviate your pain.